Tuesday 8 February 2011

Synopsis - 'Labels'

A young male is an embodiment of society's ability to abruptly judge people at first glance. He roams his school and streets placing signs on those he meets which conform them to a social cliché. The people are not at all appreciative of this pretentious labelling and show they're discontent once labelled. The protagonist labels an Indian boy "FOREIGNER", a young white English male "TOFF", then a teen girl "BLONDE" and another young white male a "PIKEY". Also labels a boy in a fast food restaurant "FAT" as well as another young male "POOF" and finally a black youth a "THUG". After labelling the initally non-threathening boy "THUG", the black male pursues to chase the protagonist. Once fled and after all this blunt labelling of members of society, the camera reveals that in turn, the protaonist has been labeled "RACIST" "XENOPHOBE" "ARCHAIC" "SEXIST" "HOMOPHOBE" "BRITISH". The film analyses British society's judging of stereotypes from within and outside of our traditional communities.

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