Wednesday 16 February 2011



Our storyboard comprises of a variety of shots that we intend to use in order to create our short film. In our short film, the protagonist labels five different people to express what he thinks of them therefore we had to think up different ways of showing how the protaganist would label the people. If we kept doing the same scenarios then the audience would start to realise what was happening in the film and would have an idea of how the rest of the film would plan out. Furthermore, if we did do the same scenarios then the audience may become bored of seeing the same things over and over again. In order to stop this, a variety of shots have been included in our staryboard such as close-ups, medium shots and long shots as well as different camera angles. Also, we have added transitions between shots such as a wipe to show an elipses in time in our storyboard.

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