Tuesday 8 February 2011

Script - 'Labels'

Title on black. Labels.
School bell rings.

Score enters

Int. School. Day.
Protagonist walks down corridor placing 'Post-it' notes on walls containing credits.

A young Indian male walks towards the protagonist and they converse in idle conversation until the protagonist labels the man "FOREIGNER".

Protagonist continues along corridor, a young male walks through the door at the same time and upon walking past protagonist tags his back with label "TOFF".

Continuing down the corridor, protagonist looks into a room and sees a girl applying make-up. Walks into room, labels her a "BLONDE"

Ext. School. Day.
Exiting school, protagonist side steps a young male, maintaining distance suggesting he is undesirable but quickly braves his perimeter to label him "PIKEY".

Ext. Fast food restuarant. Evening.
Young male eating in a fastfood resturant, protagonist enters and labels him "FAT"

Ext. Road. Evening.
Walking down the road, very 'camp' gay stereotypical male walks past and protagonist labels him "POOF".

Protagonist walks down road, passes young black male and heavily places label upon him reading "THUG". A slight chase ensues.

Having successfully fled, the protagonist proceeds to walk away and as he does, the camera reveals several labels on his back. "RACIST" "XENOPHOBE" "ARCHAIC" "SEXIST" "HOMOPHOBE" "BRITISH".

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