Wednesday 16 February 2011


Main character - James Shaw. James has to be able to show an embodiment of society's ability to abruptly judge people at first glance. He is a typical school boy of seventeen years and wears a school uniform to show his equality with all the other students - ironic for the character which he will be playing. He has a middle build, blue eyes and it is visible that there is something more that he is feeling. Unfortunately, he cannot keep his thoughts to himself and has to let them out into the open.

'Foreigner' - Neehar Ravi. This character will be played by an Indian. At first glance, he looks like a foreigner however one may get confused when they hear his unbroken and perfect English accent. He is also wearing a school uniform.

'Toff' - Chris McCann. This character glides through the school corridors full of confidence and charisma; nothing will stop him not fitting in where he feels most comfortable. Through this he exudes an air of superiority. He is a bright English young male who wants to have the best possible future for him. His school uniform is neatly worn and his crisp white shirt portrays depicts the pride that he feels whilst wearing something of the school's. He could also be carrying some books and folders in his hand showing that he is eager for his next lesson and he is not ashamed to show this. He speaks in the most formal English accent and this shows that he is somewhat posh.

'Up for it' - Katy Szkuta. A young eighteen year old girl is walking down the corridor in jeans and a shirt, there is nothing to show that she is easy or that she is interested in the boys. However, males at this age experience various sexual awakenings and therefore believe that any girl who looks at them is 'up for grabs'. This character only needs to either look or smile at one of the boys for them to think that she wants more. This is a very stereotypical portrayal of teenage girls and should be easily understood by the audience.

'Thug' - Bashiru Shardow. A definition of a thug is; a common criminal, who treats others violently and roughly. This character will not be shown in school uniform but will be filmed lurking around in the side streets. He will be wearing a hooded jumper covering up his face to not be identified and some black trousers. The audience will immediately link this with violence and being afraid; and this is exactly the effect we want to create. What is hiding beneath this character's eyes - his hard life and his past experiences - no one will ever know. Whilst a chase ensues between the protagonist and the thug, he could shout 'you have it so easy, but look at me!’

'Pikey' - Joseph Davidson. A Pikey is a pejorative slang term used to refer to Irish Travellers, gypsies or people of low social class. In this case, Joseph is a young male who comes from an Irish background. 'Pikey' is not a racial group, the term is used to describe anyone who lives in a caravan or shares the same values and "culture" of "the travelling community", and whose main sources of income are crimes. Joseph is very stereotyped because of his family roots are but this not stop him having a lot of friends who accept him in every way.

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