Wednesday 16 February 2011

Shooting Schedule.

Date: Friday 25th of February 2011
Where: this scene will be filmed in the hall outside James’s flat.
Time: the shots will be filmed between the hours of 1-4 pm in the afternoon.
Scene: we will film shots 34 to 45 which is the end of the film.
Cast: James Shaw
Crew: Sean Mcgowan (camera man) and Ross Dalton-Short (director)
Props: we are going to use paper in disguise as labels and keys to the house.
Concerns: Katy Szkuta is away for this which we put into consideration, we don’t specifically need her for this scene so we are getting the scene out of the way whilst we can.

Date: Tuesday 1st of March 2011
Where: these scenes will be shot in school
Time: the shots will be filmed between the hours of 9 am till 1 pm
Scene: we will film shots 4 to 20 on this day they will consist of the main character labelling some of the other characters.
Cast: James Shaw, Neehar Ravi, Chris Mccann and Joseph Davidson.
Crew: Sean Mcgowan (camera man), Ross Dalton-Short (director) and Katy Szkuta (technical director)
Props: labels (paper)

Date: Thursday 03rd of March 2011
Where: just outside of school on Murray Road.
Time: the shots will be filmed between the hours of 3-5 pm
Scene: we will film shots 28 to 33 this is when the main character labels the girl.
Cast: James Shaw, Katy Szkuta.
Crew: Sean Mcgowan (camera man) and Ross Dalton-Short (Director)
Props: labels (paper) and Handbag.
Concerns: We were going to cast Rosie Sinfield ahead of Katy however we realised that this was not practical as rosie may not have been available which would have delayed our film.

Date: Thursday 03rd of March 2011
Where: Just outside school on Murray Road
Time: between the hours of 3-5 pm
Scene: we will film shots 21 to 27 this is where the main character labels the “thug”.
Cast: James Shaw, Bashiru Shardow.
Crew: Sean Mcgowan, Ross Dalton-Short, Katy Szkuta.
Props: Labels and hoodie.
Concerns: These shots should have been filmed on a Friday however bashiru couldn’t make it so we moved it forward by a day.

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