Monday 28 February 2011

The film magazine we have invented and why.

Our magazine resembles that of “Empire” film magazine. We have created the film magazine called “tomorrow’s cinema” and our section title will be called “scene it”. The target audience for our film magazine are young cinema goers but not fanatics they just skim read through the article in order to get a brighter view of the film they most want to watch next. This will be targeted at 15-30 year olds. They don’t necessarily want to know what the film is about before hand but still want an expert analysis and overview of the film they would like to see. It is important that we get all the movie genres so that we can appeal to the target audience of every one from the age of 15-30.
The film magazine will be very casual as it tries to interact with its audience as if the magazine were best friends with the target audience. It is important that the target audience of our film magazine is comfortable reading our magazine, further to this they need to feel that they can refer back to the magazine, as a place of reference. This is further enhanced with the chatty nature of the author of the article. He can relate to the target audience and will try and make conversation with them without actually doing so because he's obviously writing an article. This will attract the reader further and want to read more film reviews because they can then relate to the article writer. It will try to be humorous, our target audience are people that dont take films to seriously. They enjoy a wide variety of comedy and our humour will be quite sarcastic and witty, we identify these genres of comedy as some typical british humour. We must allow the audience to feel comfortable reading this but all in the knowledge that the film review will be the serious opinion of the author with a bit .
The magazine will display one big picture above the main headline and will have an introduction aswell as a subheading underneath the headline. The introduction will introduce the film we are discussing. This will be further discussed in three columns. Thus making the audience read what they paid for. There will be a breakout box to attract the reader to some facts and statistics about the film it is important that we accommodate for all members of our target audience we know that our that not all our readers will actually read every article however they will still buy the magazine because of their interest in the figures. There will also be a breakout paragraph of the choice sentence selected by the editor. This sentence is the one the editor feels most comfortable to bring about more readers to the article thus possibly making the author quite popular in the youth circle.

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