Wednesday 9 February 2011

Our First Idea

A 17 year old Indian boy presents to his audience how he balances his traditional Indian heritage with his English heritage, on a typical school day. This would be a voice-over monologue of the boy talking about his life. During his voice-over the protagonist shares his feelings: “At school friends see me as different – I don’t come from the same background as them, their family is so much different” etc. “At home, family don’t see me as Indian enough – everything I do is TOO English, I can’t cook right, I don’t pray long enough, and my parents think I won’t do well in school and will bring shame to the family.”

In the morning he wakes up, goes downstairs and sees a note on the fridge from his mother; be back at six - make dinner!

At the end of school friends ask the protagonist whether he wants to go out, but N. refuses as he has to go home and cook dinner.

The ending: a reverse shot of N. looking out the window at his friends playing football (one character can shout ‘ENGLAAAND!’ to show patriotism and the division between cultures). The camera then comes back to medium shot of N. looking out of his kitchen window, signifying his separation from his friends. This represents the culture clash and N.’s dual identity.

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