Wednesday 19 January 2011

analysis of famous film's posters

poster annotations

Goodfellas was a very popular film. The poster helped in that sense the three main characters were very popular because of the power of three. The layout distinctively puts them in the dark forcing an air of mystery on the situation such as who are they and did they kill the person under the bridge. Under the bridge is also code for saying it is underground activities for these gangsters. We also understand that they are underground kingpins because they are above the bridge but still in the dark. They have then a quote that could be acting as a tagline saying that they are in the mafia. The official tagline also demonstrates this. Even though he’s not the main character Robert De Niro is the middle man mainly because he is the most famous actor of the three shown and his character is the boss of the three characters. . None of the characters are smiling there just staring at you suspiciously giving the audience a sense of wonder as to what they might have done not only the characters but also themselves.The old school posters always used to have the directors name underneath because they were attributed there works Martin Scorcese reciprocates this in the modern era of film poster making.

The porky’s poster demonstrates how to effectively get the public to watch a film, it portrays the sort of behaviour usually attributed with teenagers. This film poster also had a line that played on the word came. It literally means that youll be glad to have seen the movie however those with a dirty mind will laugh because it can also mean youll be glad to have ejaculated. This gives sense that it will be the teen comedy subgenre. That is further enhanced with the eye of a teenager peeking at the naked women in the shower. This gives a sense of ridiculousness yet at the same time of humour making the audience want to go and watch the film.

The good the bad and the ugly is one of the most iconic films ever made.The poster shows what it was like when technology wasn’t at its peak. Once again the three characters are on top and you see them in cowboy style outfits with weapons clearly demonstrating that the main plot of this film is the western rivalry between the three characters. They then have the subplot or the background of the film underneath them to show that its significant in the film yet not the most important or the bit to focus on during the film. Sergio Leone is also one the people that demonstrate the old fashioned posters. The drawing of the subplot and the adding of his name in big letters underneath the title infers how old this film really is.

Pulp fiction is another modern great movie such as Goodfellas. It uses seduction rather than plot to get the audience to watch the film this in some way is very Tarantinoesc considering he does not do films in a normal fashion. He also utilises the technique of the name underneath the title in order to advertise that its his film. He does not utilize the main characters and instead of giving just there names he gives a long list of names once again a Tarantino trait. The use of seduction is to get a lot of men to come but just in case they don’t get mislead they included a gun on the set with the girl just to show that this has moments of crime in it.

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