Monday 24 January 2011

Famous Film Magazines.

There are three main film magazines in the country at this moment in time. The most read is Total Film followed by Empire and then by Sight and Sound a specialist film review magazine for the more sophisticated and cultured reader and a cinema fanatic. They also have to compete with newspapers who do regular film reviews in a special section of their newspaper.
The layout of the film review pages all differ from one magazine article to another. There are only three columns in “Total Film” whereas in “Empire” they have three columns and in “Sight and Sound” they have 6 columns. This has different connotations, for instance someone who is just looking for a short article to read and on a film that he wants to see will read something light hearted and less challenging such as a “Total Film” film reviews. This is also shown in the typography: it has big type and the word spacing is long aswell as the line spacing that is quite large. The third column is finished with page filler. A device used by magazines in order to make the reader comfortable with the article and read it. This is different in “empire” that has three columns with small word spacing and small line spacing. They get even smaller in Sight and Sound due to the seriousness of the magazine. The font is all the same for every single one however they are different for the headline than the article itself. They just differ in size with the more serious film reviews becoming smaller in order to attract a more cultured clientele. The Headlines differ from some magazines Total Film and Empire are similar in the way that the title of the film is the headline whereas in Sight and Sound it goes along the lines of a serious newspaper with a pun for the headline. The strap lines style is also different In “Total Film” they have their pun there unlike “Empire” who pose a question to the audience or even Sight and Sound who give an overview of the filmThe layout of the film review pages all differ from one magazine article to another. There are only three columns in “Total Film” whereas in “Empire” they have three columns and in “Sight and Sound” they have 6 columns. This has different connotations, for instance someone who is just looking for a short article to read and on a film that he wants to see will read something light hearted and less challenging such as a “Total Film” film reviews. This is also shown in the typography: it has big type and the word spacing is long aswell as the line spacing that is quite large. The third column is finished with page filler. A device used by magazines in order to make the reader comfortable with the article and read it. This is different in “empire” that has three columns with small word spacing and small line spacing. They get even smaller in Sight and Sound due to the seriousness of the magazine. The font is all the same for every single one however they are different for the headline than the article itself. They just differ in size with the more serious film reviews becoming smaller in order to attract a more cultured clientele. The Headlines differ from some magazines Total Film and Empire are similar in the way that the title of the film is the headline whereas in Sight and Sound it goes along the lines of a serious newspaper with a pun for the headline. The strap lines style is also different In “Total Film” they have their pun there unlike “Empire” who pose a question to the audience or even Sight and Sound who give an overview of the film.The layout of the film review pages all differ from one magazine article to another. There are only three columns in “Total Film” whereas in “Empire” they have three columns and in “Sight and Sound” they have 6 columns. This has different connotations, for instance someone who is just looking for a short article to read and on a film that he wants to see will read something light hearted and less challenging such as a “Total Film” film reviews. This is also shown in the typography: it has big type and the word spacing is long aswell as the line spacing that is quite large. The third column is finished with page filler. A device used by magazines in order to make the reader comfortable with the article and read it. This is different in “empire” that has three columns with small word spacing and small line spacing. They get even smaller in Sight and Sound due to the seriousness of the magazine. The font is all the same for every single one however they are different for the headline than the article itself. They just differ in size with the more serious film reviews becoming smaller in order to attract a more cultured clientele. The Headlines differ from some magazines Total Film and Empire are similar in the way that the title of the film is the headline whereas in Sight and Sound it goes along the lines of a serious newspaper with a pun for the headline. The strap lines style is also different In “Total Film” they have their pun there unlike “Empire” who pose a question to the audience or even Sight and Sound who give an overview of the film they are reviewing.

In Total Film (the latest issue, issue 176) there are main news articles about the film industry to begin with unlike Empire who are doing an ultimate guide to Tron Legacy one of the latest movies to come out in cinema’s. In a similar fashion Sight and Sound focused there main article on the Black Swan. Empire and Sight and Sound stick strictly to major film issues and unlike Total Film they have long articles on films or film genres that have raised an eyebrow recently. Total film on the other hand will have the readers views section where the readers letters are posted in the magazine so that they can interact with public opinion making the magazine more appealing. Empire and Sight and Sound will then have all the films being released in the country right now or in the next month. This is reciprocated in some sorts in Total Film especially as they have a section for the more sophisticated and cultured film fan talking about some of the films that wont appear in mainstream cinema company’s.

The mode of address of the film magazine depends on the film magazine at hand. Total Film for instance will have language more accommodated for the younger generation. They are aimed at readers that look at films for a good time with their friends rather than for a cultural or educational experience. On the other hand Empire is written for the more experienced film watcher and is aimed at everyone really considering it also attracts some of the more casual cinema goers as well as the educated cinema fanatics. Its style of writing makes it the film reference magazine in Great Britain. The less well known magazine Sight and Sound is really the specialist magazine and is aimed at connoisseurs of cinema and is written with flamboyant language in order to appeal to its specialist audience. It also writes the synopsis of the film mainly because the film fan will want to read the about the films it wont be able to otherwise watch because they are released in independent cinema’s in other parts of the country. They write about every film with in depth reviews that would bore the ordinary cinema fan.

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